Cake Stories No.2

The one about the Halls Babbler

Much of my business is repeat, so when one long-time customer asked me to make a cake for her brother’s 90th birthday, I was delighted to help. 

“Tell me about him,” I said.

“Well, he’s an ornithologist and worked at the Natural History Museum.  He went on many expeditions around the world and discovered a new bird in Australia called the Halls Babbler.  But his biggest and most well-known find was in Mauritius.  He went down a cave that the locals would not go near as they were afraid of evil spirits (this was in the sixties) and as it was totally untouched he found bones of the Dodo, so were able to see exactly what a Dodo would’ve looked like.”

There were various hobbies and activities to include too, which made me think, this isn’t a cake, this is a book!  And so, the idea was born.


Cake Stories No.1